Scientific Co., Ltd.)全资子公司美国赛德迪康医疗科技公司(Stedical Scientific, Inc.)增资全资子公司美国普美迪公司(PERMEADERM, INC.)。
报来《关于赛德迪康(上海)医疗科技有限公司增资美国普美迪公司申请备案的请示》收悉。根据《企业境外投资管理办法》(国家发展改革委令第 11 号)、《上海市境外投资项目备案管理 办法》(沪府发〔2014〕81 号)和《中国(上海)自由贸易试验区境外投资项目备案管理办法》(沪府发〔2013〕72 号),对赛德迪康(上海)医疗科技有限公司增资美国普美迪公司(具体情况见背页)予以备案,本通知书有效期 2 年。
项目实施过程中,按规定需要履行变更、延期等手续的,请及时向我委提出;发生重大不利情况的,请按规定向我委提交重大不利情况报告表;不得违反我国法律法规,不得威胁或损害我国国家利益和国家安全。项目完成的,请在项目完成之日起 20 个工作日内提交项目完成情况报告表。
如对本通知书持有异议,可以在收到本通知书之日起 60 日内向上海市发展和改革委员会申请行政复议,或者在 6 个月内向 浦东新区人民法院提起行政诉讼。
Scientific Co., Ltd.)全资子公司美国赛德迪康医疗科技公司(Stedical Scientific, Inc.)增资全资子公司美国普美迪公司(PERMEADERM, INC.)。
沪自贸管扩境外备〔2020〕58 号
报来《关于赛德迪康(上海)医疗科技有限公司增资美国普美迪公司申请备案的请示》收悉。根据《企业境外投资管理办法》(国家发展改革委令第 11 号)、《上海市境外投资项目备案管理 办法》(沪府发〔2014〕81 号)和《中国(上海)自由贸易试验区境外投资项目备案管理办法》(沪府发〔2013〕72 号),对赛德迪康(上海)医疗科技有限公司增资美国普美迪公司(具体情况见背页)予以备案,本通知书有效期 2 年。
项目实施过程中,按规定需要履行变更、延期等手续的,请及时向我委提出;发生重大不利情况的,请按规定向我委提交重大不利情况报告表;不得违反我国法律法规,不得威胁或损害我国国家利益和国家安全。项目完成的,请在项目完成之日起 20 个工作日内提交项目完成情况报告表。
如对本通知书持有异议,可以在收到本通知书之日起 60 日内向上海市发展和改革委员会申请行政复议,或者在 6 个月内向 浦东新区人民法院提起行政诉讼。
2020 年 4 月 17 日
PermeaDerm, Inc. is developing innovative products to meet unmet needs in protecting, supporting and aiding in healing weakened or damaged tissue.
PermeaDerm is ‘A World of Difference’ in the context of advancing the art of wound care. Our long term commitment is to understand the unmet needs of acute and chronic wounds as well as hernia and soft tissue repair. Generally wound management techniques involve the removal of all non-viable tissue while preserving the remaining viable tissue and providing a moist but not wet environment. PermeaDerm, Inc. focuses on the art of passage of fluid adjacent to the wound beneath the primary dressing into a secondary absorbent dressing as well as the kinetics of uninterrupted wound healing. Technology of this research will evolve into a product called PermeaDerm dressing which possesses all the characteristics and attributes known to be important for optimal wound healing, as well as new advances that result in minimization of wound desiccation and infection complication. The technology and design for soft tissue and hernia repair is intended to: minimize adhesions and chronic pain; provide a 3D compliant structure that facilitates autogenous tissue ingrowth which is believed to minimize latent infections.
PermeaDerm, Inc. Variable Porosity technology for wound management strives to:
- Substantially reduces cost of wound management by minimizing painful dressing changes
- Minimizes fluid accumulation beneath PermeaDerm thereby minimizing infection complications
- Minimizes patient discomfort